Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Winter Booking Special

Did you get engaged recently or over the holidays???  January is the PERFECT time to start planning your big day!  Fraley Memory Productions is running a booking special for both photography and videography!  Book your big day between January 1st and January 31st to cash in on these amazing specials!!

Photography Booking Special-

Book the Deluxe Package and receive an additional $50.00 print credit

Book the Platinum Package and receive an additional $75.00 print credit

Videography Booking Special-

Book the Traditional Package and receive a free customized jewel case ($30.00 value)

Book the Deluxe Package and receive a free customized jewel case ($30.00 value) AND an additional $25.00 towards an add-on

Call us today to book your consultation!!  

330-608-5865 or 330-703-9228